Some people like to see what I work from for my various crafts, so here’s the layout diagram for the Easter Bunny quilt.
On the left is the layout for the 24 print fabrics (represented by letters a through x) and the white fabric (represented by hyphens). The yellow patches are completely assembled (sewn together into rows, and the rows sewn to each other), and the blue patches are assembled only into rows.
On the right is a photo of the fabrics, in order from a to x if you “read” them from left to right and top to bottom.
This layout diagram is for the first part of the process, where all I’m doing is making a big checkerboard.
The next part of the process is to cut up the checkerboard into blocks.
The last part of the process is to sew those smaller blocks into a new grid.
At the end of these three parts, the quilt top will be a field of pinwheels. It’s like magic! 🙂 Then, all that’s left is to add borders.. and quilt it.. and bind it.